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Saturday, December 31, 2011

How are you going to spend your  New Year ?  Every person has a resolution for the new year. keeping the resolution is the  hard part. Most resolutions are based upon self improvement.

What does self-improvement mean?
 Perhaps a stronger commitment to exercise, healthy eating, plenty of rest and that all-important positive attitude. These are a few ideas — we each have a choice as to what we do. We do not pay taxes on exercising or healthy eating, nor do we have to ask permission to do these things. Just do it.
How about reaching out a little more than you did in 2011? Extend that arm and leg and find a person, a project or a cause that could use your talents and time. It is in giving you begin to feel you have a purpose in life.
No matter what your age — from 1 to 100 — learn something new each day. Keep a journal of what you learn each day and at the end of the year just see how smart you really are. Just think, 365 new pieces of information you did not know in 2011.
Travel, near and far. Be sure to include places you haven't ever been and return to your favorites. Whether you travel alone or with someone, enjoy, learn and experience. Keep a journal of your travels and use some of the pictures and places in your 2012 Christmas cards to family and friends.
Get rid of the clutter in your life. Have a sense of organization in your home, garage and office. Look around and visualize your surroundings without the stacks of books, papers and clutter that seem to get taller and taller with each year. Close your eyes and picture what your office, home and garage would look like if you had a place for everything and everything was in its place. Make this picture come true.
Meet new friends. Invite them to meet your friends and share in the organizations you enjoy. Advertise those places and projects you are committed to, and bring new faces to your world in 2012. Share with others who may not know about the wonderful places and events here in the Metro-East.
Finally, make a vow to yourself you will take time to pray to your God for guidance and protection in the upcoming year.  May you have a happy and healthy new year.

Joe Carroll

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